Tuesday, April 27, 2010


This course has been a lot of work. It has been helpful to my career though, and I do feel better for taking it, especially not knowing what to expect going in. It was interesting to see the number of students that started the course as opposed to the number that are left, after (in my opinion) realizing what the course entailed.

In regards to what I have learned while working with my group:
well, this wasn't the first time I have worked in a group..
1) the best laid plans can often fail to materialize.
2) at the last minute, if technology can fail, it will.
3) I must not let a vehicle containing six bags of clothing get towed prior to actually delivering the clothing for a charity event. If this does happen, it will significantly effect the volume of clothing collected.
4) Google docs is the shit. Hands. Down.
5) Many eyes proofreading does not ensure and clean final copy.
6) Brian and Andreas are great guys.

This class, while a requirement, has been helpful in completing the credit hours needed to get closer to graduation, and that applies to my degree, and for real world experience, this course has helped me to overcome gatekeepers in a different environment and prospectively get my ideas published.

Friday, March 26, 2010

La La Land

This has been a particularly trying year for me personally, and I am considering a brief summer trip to Los Angeles. I am in a short term apartment which I give up May 1st, and am planning to take my finals, balancing time between NJ and my parents house in PA, and taking the summer to spend on the west coast.

I love LA. I love NY too, but every trip out to the city of angels i fall more and more in love. It could be a case of the grass is always greener on the other side, but in the case of the two cases, NY has rotting grass and LA has brand new, fake AstroTurf. My work is steady here, and I have companies that run absentee, and with a recent divorce.. I feel I have nothing to lose.

Wish me luck

I dont care about your opinion

Well, most of the time.. When I read an opinion piece, or even start reading any piece, I consider the source. I do not listen to much news, as I feel it completely biased, and only occasionally read the paper (NY Times only), but I get my news from a variety of sources, and then choose to research topics that pique my interest. This has worked for me, as I get to evaluate the source and if I do not feel it credible, I then can redirect my search to find something better.

Often, the opinion has liberal or conservative bias, and I just want the facts, so no, I do not listen to, or even read most opinions that are printed.

Rarely, on superficial matters, I will indulge.. but this is only on issues like cars or clothing.. not news or issues that have a potential to impact the way I live, work, or get paid.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spring is in the Air

Look outside.. its nice out. Very nice. I cannot wait for this snow to melt and to get back outdoors. It seems every year that cabin fever sets in so much that when the spring/summer does finally come, my kids and I dont know what to do with ourselves. I love the array of seasons in the northeast, but nothing is as good as spring.

From first taking the soccer fields, to spending afternoons at the park, to bicycling through the Palisades. Outdoor play dates, and exploring the city on Saturday afternoons. I am ready.

My favorite days of spring are when the air is soft, and the leaves are coming in and the grass is damp from the frost still at night, the smell when you walk out in the morning.. there is nothing like it.

I will be patiently waiting for these days, and there are so few when the elements are just right to make the perfect morning.

Friday, February 26, 2010

the pigs fly

I had to call. The buzzwords like fun and clever being used to describe a mundane function like calling about a chocolate bar? My interest was piqued.

Pig Latin, while tricky to comprehend at the speed he was talking, was my favorite. Having used this secret language back in the mid eighties, but its ways escaping me now, it was nice to hear the old "kid-speak" as my dad would call it, again. (after all, my sister and I would use it to confuse our parents and try to "pull the wool over their eyes/ears).

I think the use of this creativity is genius. Like the author of the blog, I will not run out to buy a Crunch bar, but will keep the product in mind when searching for chocolate and looking at the boring Hershey's products...

If only I could come up with an ad like this, or a promotion, or stunt or what have you, my life would be complete. I dream of a career in the advertising world, and it would be a break (me off a piece of that kit kat...sorry) like this to get the ball rolling. Until then, it will be PR writing I guess.

Enjoy the snow everyone.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

bad perez is still good press

Reading the Badpitchblog, I couldn't help but compare the blog to that of pseudo famous celebrity blogger, Perez Hilton's site. The overall page was similar, and the content is similar, in that it makes fun of legitimate attempts at PR, as Hilton makes fun of sometimes legit celebs.

The BadPitchblog is silly and entertaining. This site showed me that there are so many bad pitches that before the world of blogs, escaped with little criticism. Not anymore...if the pitch is spotted, it is called out and put in front of those who care to follow the site. I love to critique ads, and now with the field open for bad pitches, if I come across any, I will be sure to think of this site, and may even submit a release or two.

Monday, February 22, 2010

I do not feel that Southwest Airlines responded appropriately to Mr. Smith's situation. While there is absolutely no dispute that he is fat, overweight, obese, or unfit, depending on which media outlet is reporting about him and his unfortunate flight, but he was treated unfairly.
Over the past few years, the decision to make passengers purchase an extra ticket if overweight has received much controversy.
The article only makes those with little knowledge of the situation aware that Mr. Smith had an incident on a commercial flight in the past week, and that he was outraged. I have seen much more angry articles, but not his Twitter tweets.

From a P.R. standpoint, I feel that Southwest is doing the right thing. It appears in not just this post, but others as well, that they ARE listening, and are supremely apologetic. Apologetic to the point of sincerity. Also, after consideration of the events, Smith feels slighted, or has made a public statement claiming to feel slighted, on a personal level-from an employees personal feelings towards him. Something that the airline has no control over.

This situation could be saved, if Southwest and Kevin Smith reach an under the table agreement, if Smith agrees to stop bashing Southwest, and the mistake is chalked up to the personally feelings of the employee.

There is a lot of room in this scenario for both parties to save face.